Contact Us

 Thank you for contacting us!

Please read the contact options below so you can find what you’re looking for…

1. If you are looking for information on contracting Sonoran Permaculture Guild for a class, workshop, or course click here

2. If you are looking for info on our design services click here

3. If you want to be added to the Sonoran Permaculture Guild e-mail tree to receive future announcements for our events, workshops, and classes please send your e-mail address to If you are interested in our annual Permaculture design course, please contact Barbara Rose at We send out announcements four to six times per year and our courses and workshops are almost always full via excellent evaluations and referrals.

4.  If you are looking for where to get info on sustainable living, there are a lot of organizations in Tucson that can help you. Tucson is the City of Ten Thousand Non-profits 🙂 Just google what you are interested in and add the word Tucson to your search. We get a lot of e-mail and phone calls asking questions about how to do specific techniques or general questions about sustainable living and Permaculture . Regretfully, we don’t have the resources to answer all your questions, so you may not hear back from us.

If you are looking to work with us on a design or to develop a workshop/class/course for your organization please see the services link on our website. If you are interested in our one day workshops click here. If you are interested in our annual five weekend Permaculture Design course click here.

5. Direct any other inquiries or questions to

We look forward to hearing from you!

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